Thursday, November 21, 2013

Reflected light in the garden ...

My backyard is east-facing and I love to watch the sunrise.  A few days ago was a "bonus" day --  I noticed that due to the low angle of the sun, light was reflected from the sliding glass doors behind me, onto the front of the  plants.

The bright intense colors of the succulents is due to the reflected sunlight.  It's real -- they were not Photoshopped!

The front plant is an Aeonium sunburst, taller plant is Euphorbia tirucalli "Sticks of Fire"

Love this time of day!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Change of scenery: from the ocean back to the land.

Last week I met friends from out of town (Cabby & Mary) in Oceanside and, after a nice lunch, we spent the afternoon at the Old Mission San Luis Rey.   This is my second time at the Mission and I enjoyed returning there.

Last photo of the day
B&W conversion of one of the arches

 The first photo was taken at the end of the day and I was happy with the lighting and the clouds.   Just after I left, however,  the sunset turned into one of the most spectacular sunsets I've seen !!!!!
I was frustrated, though, because by then  I was sitting on the freeway, no place to pull off to shoot it, just had to sit, creep along in commute traffic and try and enjoy the view.  

Sepia conversion


Hope you enjoy the photos of the Mission.  Here's a link for more information:   Old Mission San Luis Rey

Friday, November 15, 2013

End of the day ... heading "home"

I'm still processing photos from last Sunday's sail on the tall ship Californian.  After a wonderful day on the water, the "Star" returns to her home on San Diego's waterfront.  This was two shots combined in Photoshop using their PhotoMerge feature.  I loved the colors we saw as the sun was setting.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Two more photos from the "Star of India" 150th celebration

The photo above shows the "Star" as seen through the rigging on the tall ship Californian.

The dolphins came to play and help the "Star" celebrate her birthday.  I was surprised when I saw this photo on my computer screen, I didn't realize I caught the dolphins as well as the "Star".

Monday, November 11, 2013

Firing the cannons ...

More photos from the sail on the Californian yesterday.  On our weekend sails, at the end of each day  the canons are fired in salute to the "Star of India" when she is tied up on the dock.  Because the Star sailed yesterday, we fired them out on the water while we were near her.   There was a remembrance service onboard the Star ... honoring lost sailors at sea.  Those passengers and crew on the Star ended their service by tossing flowers on the water.  When that was done, we fired the canons.

Here are a few photos showing the gunner (Chari) priming the canon, then the fire & smoke.  

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Star of India's 150th birthday sail

The San Diego Maritime Museum is celebrating the 150th birthday of the tall ship  "Star of India"   She was built in the Isle of Man in 1863, and launched five days before Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
I was on the tall ship "The Californian" today as we sailed with her.  It was actually more of a drifting day due to low winds.   No matter what the winds, it was such a treat to see her out on the water with all sails up.   Here are two photos, one at the beginning of the day, the second as she was being escorted back to the docks by a tug.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

More photos from the Colombian tall ship "Gloria"


The first photo shows the sailing vessel "Robert Seamans"  They are a research training vessel stationed in the Pacific Ocean, registered to Woods Hole MA.  Photo was taken  looking through the flags flying on the Gloria.

Climbing up.

The other two photos are of the Gloria.   The cadets all climbed up to their positions on the yards -- it was an amazing sight seeing all the cadets up like this.    They sang the Colombian national anthem, saluted the Maritime Museum and waved to all of us on the docks as they (literally) sailed off into the sunset.  It's hard to see, but the cadets were wearing the colors of our flag.  I was told that it was their custom to wear the colors of the country they were visiting.

If you look closely, you'll even see a cadet standing at the top of the mast.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Kite flying day ...

Well, they were trying to fly the kite at Mission Bay Yacht Club last weekend.  I can't believe how many times the kids ran up & down the beach in their attempts to fly the kite.  Of course I was taking photos ... yesterday I wondered "what if ... "   What if I ran these 3 or 4 photos through the app "Auto-Stitch"  How would it deal with the running kids?

I've done successful panos with my iPhone & AutoStitch at this beach before, but usually people are sitting or standing.   So here's what happens with running kids ... love it!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

ARC GLoria

We've had a new tall ship near the Maritime Museum --  The "Gloria" from Cartagena, Colombia (SA) has been here for 5 days, welcoming visitors onboard.  Quite an impressive sight on the waterfront.   If you'd like more info, follow the link Gloria.

 Photos were taken tonight as it left San Diego, next stop Panama, then home.  Some of the cadets have been on board for 9 months, and are ready to be home.

What you are seeing up in the rigging are the cadets.  And atop each mast, another cadet.   It was very impressive as they sailed away, singing their national anthem, music playing.  They were waving & saluting the Maritime Museum and the many people on the docks who came to see them off.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Another sunset ...

This one was taken tonight at Sunset Cliffs Dr., Pt. Loma.   Looks like I'm specializing in sunset photos  ;)